Bystander Intervention: To Intervene or Not Intervene

 In today’s workplace, the optimal functional environment is critical to a company’s success. Generally, most people in a workplace want to do what is right for themselves, their company, and their co-workers. Our response to certain behaviors tells a narrative that words can’t express. Our workplaces are more and more diverse. This will not suddenly change people’s hearts and minds. The reinforcement and consciousness of a diverse environment is an active process. One of those ways is through bystander intervention.

Bystander intervention is the strategy that encourages people to take action when they witness a potentially harmful situation or interaction.  The basic steps are noticing the event, interpreting the situation as a problem, assuming personal responsibility, knowing how to help, and stepping up.

In the past and even today, some will act passively while witnessing other teammates on the team not being treated as a member of a team.  We are more culturally diverse and every person should have an opportunity to flourish and excel in an environment for all. Inclusive leadership leads the way by setting the proper example. For the most part, most people will follow the lead and actions of the leader.

This is why is so important to call out the things that will not help an organization function effectively. We must be vigilant in preventing and calling out workplace harassment and incidents of discrimination. We must be the voice for the voiceless. Most people have the pressure of doing what is ethically right and possibly losing employment. This may be the reason for reluctance in so many situations.

Organizations pay a bigger price through decreased effectiveness and lack of cohesion.  Many people are also unknowingly complicit in the treatment of other people because it was never their experience. Shelly Morrison said it best:” If we sit by and become complacent and put our head in the sand, we’re complicit”. We must remember to call it out and encourage our organization to treat everyone with the dignity and respect we all deserve.

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